covert narcissist

The difficulty in identifying a narcissist lies in differentiating between self-confidence and self-infatuation. This might seem blatantly obvious, but in the throes of a new relationship what is actually dominating and conceited may at first come across as strong and self-assured, characteristics that attracted you to them in an instant. As time progresses, however, this […]

single life

There are plenty of perks to a single life, such as feeling free and independent. But what about the challenges of being single or its disadvantages? There are plenty of things to watch out for. Maybe you’re the type of person who finds ill-fated love romantic, and your previous relationship was doomed from the start,

effects of social media

Have you noticed that your love life has changed since the rise of social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat? You’re not alone. In fact, the effects of social media are obvious on relationships and the way we date. Now it’s time to take a long, hard look at how it has impacted our