how to be a better girlfriend

As much as we’d like to consider ourselves perfect, we all have room for improvement. Maybe you’ve been arguing with your boyfriend a bit too much lately. Or, perhaps, you want to please him for all the nice things he does for you? Whether you seek self-improvement for your own sake or for others, it […]

pensive woman in a situationship

You are probably familiar with such concepts as friends with benefits, casual, or no strings attached relationships. While all of these phrases revolve around sex with no emotional bond, there is another term that pertains to a particular type of romantic connection that has more than just a physical aspect. It’s called situationship. What is a

how to make your girlfriend happy

No doubt you want to be the best boyfriend that you can be. However, sometimes it can be hard to think of what to actually do to put a smile on your girlfriend’s face and brighten her day. If you are wondering how to make your girlfriend happy, here are over forty ideas that will

what to expect in a relationship

Time is the most precious commodity that you have and the last thing that you want is to waste your time building a relationship with the wrong person. One year is a perfectly respectable amount of time to figure out if you are compatible with your partner. After dating for one year, you should have

mr wrong

Do you keep falling for the unattainable, undeniably sexy, uber charming bad boys? The guys who sweep you off your feet in a matter of seconds. The ones that make you feel completely enamored to point you just can’t say no even though you know they are Mr. Wrong? The sexual attraction between the two

change your attitude

Anyone who thinks they are just going to meet the man of their dreams ready packaged is being naive. The coming together of two people is bloody hard work, it takes compromise, a willingness to learn and without a doubt it requires to change your attitude. While you both might enjoy football or eating Italian

how to get married

The Internet has been a tool that many people have used in various ways with regards to relationships. Countless couples are currently together because they had formed their relationships through using online dating. There are also couples who have broken up due to discovering their partners were using the Internet to reconnect with their long

ready for a relationship

Dating can be a long, gruelling process. It’s almost as if each person is competing against each other in not wanting to seem too eager, but somehow not seeming totally uninterested. Being in relationship purgatory is both thrilling and soul-draining. Not knowing where you stand, but also not having the full commitment of a relationship