You’ve just taken a girl out for what you thought was the perfect date. You went for dinner and drinks and even got a kiss on the cheek. However, she hasn’t texted back to you when you suggested meeting up again.
What could have possibly gone wrong? Well, something was wrong otherwise, you wouldn’t find yourself looking here in the hope you’ll be able to score the second date next time.
So here I am, coming to the rescue to try and help you figure out whereabouts you went wrong and what not to do on the first date. Here are 7 first-date mistakes you should avoid making, lads.
1. Talk about your ex
What makes you think we want to know how perfect your ex-girlfriend was? It’s purely more competition for us and let’s be honest, if you think we’re going to up our game on the first date, you’ve got it all wrong. We will not fight for someone who can’t let go of their ex. And trust me, you are not making us jealous. We have ex-boyfriends, too; we think it is polite not to mention them on the first date.
2. Be rude or cocky
Rudeness is not cool. It doesn’t make you funny, either. It makes you a jerk. So when the waiter comes over to take our meal, a “please” and a “thank you” won’t kill you. It will most probably make women like you even more. I mean, who doesn’t love a gentleman?
3. Judge her meal choice
Now I don’t know about you, but I love a good meal that will completely meet my appetite. So when you say, “Do you think you can eat all that?”, it sounds like a very inconsiderate question that would only bring a girl’s insecurities out. Judging her meal choice could be the end of the road for you right there before you even get to know her.
4. Talk about yourself all the time
Don’t get me wrong, a date is an opportunity to learn about each other, but it doesn’t mean you get to spend the whole 3 hours talking about yourself. Unless she asks you a question about yourself, try to reframe from doing the ‘me me me’ game. Trust me, it’ll work out.
5. Agree with everything she says
Now a girl loves it when she’s right. But if she says, “I love dogs, I hope to get one in the future,” you agree when you hate dogs. To a girl, this immediately means you’re getting a dog. So if you don’t want that dog, best not agree with everything she says.
6. Invite her back to your place
Inviting her back to your place on the first date can make or break the deal. This is the question that decides whether you’re truly interested in her or just want some jiggy jiggy time. Now, unless the date has gone perfectly, I wouldn’t suggest inviting her back on the first date. You don’t want to come across as pushy or that ‘it’ is all you’re interested in. Give her time to digest the date and for you both to see whether you want to continue. There’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning naked in bed with a girl you don’t want anything to do with. It is simply embarrassing.
7. Be late
Never be late for a date! This girl has just spent hours getting ready to meet you at 7:30 pm, and you have the cheek to turn up at 8 pm! Who does that? A girl should never turn up before her date. That’s the rule. Being late can be a big deal for a girl, so unless you’ve got some awesome excuse like you went to buy her 10 white roses and had to wait for them to be delivered, you can kiss goodbye to the next date. She did not spend hours of her life on that.
If you plan a date with a super hot chick, keep these first date mistakes in mind. Try to avoid making them, and you will have the perfect date.