couple falling out of love after infidelity

Your heart sank when you saw his message. “There is something I need to tell you.” After that, you can hardly concentrate on anything at work. His words sent a chill down your spine despite your best effort to prepare for the worst. “I slept with someone else.” You freeze, feeling your accelerating heartbeat. Suddenly your […]

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You are exhausted. No matter how much you sacrifice, your partner seems to need more. You cook, you clean, you found his last three jobs for him. You are ready to drop everything because he might require your attention at any given moment. You feel like you are the only person pulling the weight in

how to overcome fear of intimacy

You are in love. The guy that you met is perfect. Handsome. Smart. Kind. Gentle. But somehow, you keep putting off his suggestion to move in together. You start changing the subject every time he wants to do some future planning with you. And you can’t help but pick fights with him over trivial differences,

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It has been weeks since she hugged you goodbye and hoped you could remain friends. Yet your heart is still aching, and your head is spinning. You want to stop texting her but just can’t get her out of your mind. Memories of her seem only to get stronger as each day goes by. Your

how to forgive yourself for cheating

Saturday morning. You are sitting at the kitchen table and stirring coffee while silently gazing at your cup. Last night’s episodes are running through your head. It was so electrifying and so intense. You cannot raise your eyes and look at your partner. You told him that you had to stay late at work last

how to be more vulnerable in a relationship

The thrill of finding out that someone you like also likes you, the exciting possibilities in a future with someone new, and the discoveries you would never have made going alone. Relationships are wonderful. Especially at the beginning, when everything is so fresh and unpredictable. While being part of a twosome gives you a unique