looking for boyfriend

There are many ways to describe women who go against the grain when dating men. ‘High-maintenance’, ‘difficult’, and ‘princess’ are just a few of the words reeled off by men who feel like things aren’t going to plan. In fact, they can often be bitterly resentful, leading many women to go out of their way […]

dating multiple men

Online dating apps have made it entirely possible to go out with a different guy every night of the week. It’s especially tempting in a big city. Everything is so close that it’s almost no extra effort to squeeze in a first date en route to dinner with friends. It’s actually pretty efficient. I’ve capped my

taking a break from dating

Sometimes while you’re single and dating, you get lost in the chaos of your dating life. Perhaps you’ve been on a few dates that haven’t worked out very well for you in one way or another. You’re just feeling really frustrated like you want to bang your head against the wall or escape on a

Dating rules

Dating game. Just that word combination is enough to send shivers down any single person’s spine. It can be like a real-life version of The Bachelorette and the Hunger Games combined. In my opinion, it is pretty savage out there, and the biggest reason why I have aged quicker than I care to admit. Being

dating game

So you’ve bitten the love bullet and you decided you’re ready to throw yourself heart first into dating game. But what if you haven’t been on a first date forever? If your previous relationship’s lasted a lifetime of getting comfortable and now the idea of spending time trying to get to know someone new, whilst