dating professionals

You’ve been so busy building a successful profession for yourself that you’ve forgotten to start dating. Does that sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. I recently spoke with a client of mine who is an attorney, and he told me that he’s single because he has “no time to date.” When there is something important to you that you want, you will make time for it, and nothing and no one will be able to stop you from pursuing what you want and feel you need. If you’re serious about finding a new love interest for yourself, then you need to make every effort to fit dating into your busy schedule. Here are some ways on how you can get away with dating professionals, work, and lead your busy life all at the same time.

Have breakfast and lunch dates

Do you work late into the evening? If so, you needn’t fret. There’s no official rule that dates need to take place only in the evening. You can date professionals in the morning before you work, and you can even use your work lunch break to meet the person who you want to get to know better. You can use your love of breakfast waffles and syrup to show off your “sweet side” to the person who you want to impress. Also, breakfast and lunch dates are held at times during the day when people feel alert and less tired than they usually feel around the times that dinner dates are held.

You can find out how far away your date works from where you work, and ask them if the two of you can meet for lunch at a location that would be easy for you to get to from your work places. If you wear a specific uniform for work, leave it on for the date! You might be lucky enough to be meeting someone who is very attracted to a person who wears a uniform.

Schedule dating time in your calendar

In order for your love life to change, you must be willing to make some changes to allow that to happen. Change is a gradual process; it doesn’t usually happen overnight. You can start making changes by penciling in specific “dating time” in your daily planner. The same way that you would have opening hours and closing hours for your business can be applied to your dating life.

You can create two days per week with set hours on when you will concentrate on dating. For example, if you decide that Wednesdays and Sundays between the hours of 6 pm and 8 pm are “dating times,” then you can let your potential suitors know that you’re only available to date during those times. That way, you have carved out a schedule that works for you so that you can enjoy some much needed social time and not let your career suffer as well. Once you have committed to having “date times”, you will be able to easily plan your work so that it’s finished before your scheduled dates.

Send a friendly note to show interest

In this world of texting, messaging, emailing, and likes on social media pages, there are several ways that you can communicate and stay connected. I have friends and family members who don’t all live in my city, but we find ways to show interest in each other’s lives through telephoning each other, visiting each other occasionally, and checking each others’ social media pages. Surely, you can find time to send a quick text to let your love interest know that you hope they have a great morning and that your thoughts are on them.

If you are already in a relationship, don’t underestimate the power of a love note. Write your boyfriend a note to let him know that you think he looks really cute in that shirt that he’s wearing, then, put the note in his pants pocket. Send your girlfriend a text to let her know that you like the new manicure that she got, and include the emoji with the eyes shaped like hearts. When you make time to fit in a quick message here or there throughout your day, you will be helping to move your love life along to the next step.

Combine dating with your hobbies

If you enjoy walking through the park after work, why not ask your mate to meet you in the park for a “walking and getting to know each other date?” Walking is a nice way to burn off calories, and you won’t need to stress about fitting in your exercise regimen for the day because you will be exercising and dating at the same time. If you’ve always wanted to give roller skating a try, how about having a date at the roller skating rink? That way, you will be able to cross roller skating off of your bucket list and you can spend quality time together while you hold hands skating and try to keep each other from falling to the ground.

You can make each date an adventure by aiming to cross as many items off your bucket lists as possible through dates. Most people feel motivated to complete the next item on their bucket lists when they successfully complete a few goals at a time. Creating dating experiences is especially fun for goal-oriented career driven people because they feel like they are accomplishing something while having fun at the same time.

If you are struggling to meet people due to your busy schedule, give online dating a try. A niche dating website aimed at dating professionals would be a good place to start. Every successful business plan has blueprints and formulas for success. You may need to create a formula for building a successful and happy dating life that fits into your busy professional pursuits. Plan your work and work your plan with regards to your professional life and also with regards to your personal life. Not everything in life goes according to how you plan it, but if you build a plan for your personal life, you will feel more prepared to welcome positive romantic changes into your life in spite of your busy schedule.

Akua is a Canadian born and raised girl with Caribbean roots. She is a journalist, actress, music teacher, performer, owner and marketer of 3 worldwide dating websites, as well as an independent Pure Romance business owner selling passion products for singles and couples.

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