show a woman that you are interested in her

You’ve met a woman that you really like. Trouble is, you can only talk to her on social media at this point. You want to show her that you like her via Facebook or Instagram, but you also don’t want to come across as creepy! It can be a super fine line. In this article, I will tell you exactly how to show a woman that you are interested in her via social media the right way.

The great thing about social media as a tool for meeting women is that it allows you to talk, flirt and then meet-up with women whom you’d never normally come into contact with.

The bad thing about social media is that it can be a noisy place. Getting noticed is hard. Moreover, there are lots of other guys on there – guys who might want the same woman you do. Just picture it: You’re finessing Linda when Brad tags her in a photo of his new BMW. Thanks, Brad! Just before you were going to tag Linda in a photo of your Hyundai, too.

If you want to level-up on social media and hit a perfect home run, you need to get smart about your every move. Let’s take a look at how to show a woman that you are interested in her via social media (without scaring her off).

Comment on the right posts

So, you’ve decided that there is this one gal on Facebook who you fancy the pants off. The first thing you need to do is get her attention. The first thing that comes to your mind is to send a private message.

Hold on! Don’t immediately attack her with messages. At this point, she’s cold. She’s not going to be receptive to such intrusion. You need to warm her up before going across No Man’s Land into the world of PM’s.

The first thing you do is comment on a Facebook status (or an Instagram picture) of hers. It can’t be just any status. For example, a status about babies, make-up or anything girly won’t do.

This is what I would do: I would wait for a status about a mutual interest – such as films or music. Then, I’d make a comment about how surprised I was that she likes the same bands or films as me. By doing this, I’ve sparked that initial interest and caught her attention. She’s still a bit cold, but she’s less cold.

Be strategic with the first message

Once you’ve commented (maybe a few times on the same status or another time on another status), it’s time to send her a message. Don’t go into the battlefield ready for war. Tread carefully and see what’s what. In other words, don’t say “Wanna chat?” Urgh.

Personally, I would either recommend another film or band related to what we were talking about, or I would openly flirt with her. For example, let’s say you’ve shown her that you have the same taste in something. It could be anything – films, music, UFO’s (hey, people like UFO’s!). “I’m so happy I found someone with the same taste in strange music, I love you!”

Of course, you’re fooling around. And if you do it in the correct way, she will understand without you even needing to say anything. Saying “I love you” right away catches her attention, gets her to notice you, warms her up and gives her a sign that you might be into her. Try it!

Send more signals with liking her updates

Once you’ve entered the weird and wonderful world of PM’s, you’ve got her warm. By now she has a fair idea that you’re interested in her and maybe she’s even into you. But you’re a super cool cat who’s going to play this very cool.

So, you don’t need to spend the next six hours private messaging. Send a handful, and then bail. Tell her you’ve gotta go and do stuff – or just abscond without a word.

Then, spend the next few days liking her posts and photos. Don’t like everything (that’s weird), but like a few things. Again, you’re just warming her up and showing her that you’re interested. You’re not sending her any private messages – but you’re sending her plenty of signals!

Tag her in something she’d be interested in

Eventually, you’ll want to go public with your interest and start tagging her in stuff. Tag her in music videos or funny articles related to your mutual interest. For example, if it was a certain band that you guys talked about initially, dig out a really cool interview with them on the Internet and tag her in it on Facebook.

Eventually, you could go down the route of tagging her in a photo of you and asking what she thinks of your funny t-shirt or your new hairstyle. You’re asking for her opinion – now she definitely knows you are into her.

Keep it classy, always!

Lastly, to show a woman that you are seriously interested in her via social media, you have to keep your manners in tact. Social media is a troll-filled zone. Chances are she has already been trolled multiple times. So don’t troll her. Even if you think it’s funny. Want some bonus points? Defend her from trolls and you’ll be her modern knight in shining armour.

Remember whatever you say and do, always keep it positive. If you open your heart on her status and go on a negative rant you might have just blown it.

Claudia is the creator of Text Weapon, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She is passionate about modern communication and loves helping people improve their relationships through flirty texting. To read more by Claudia, visit Text Weapon. Don't forget to signup for the free Texting Club trial with over 300 messages. You can also hit her up on Twitter.

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