how to win her heart

Men by nature are very competitive. We compete in sports, interviewing for top jobs, and we also compete for beautiful women. We all want to win! Knowing how to win her heart includes knowing how to gracefully lose. No guy has ever dialed up the woman of his dreams and won every single time. Sometimes you lose and lose big, other times you lose competitively. The important thing to remember, is that you learn from every time that you lose, how bad that feeling tastes in your mouth, and it makes winning that much more important. You will absolutely appreciate the good times more, and winning in life.

Therefore, it’s better to have tried than to have tried not, so why are you hesitating about talking to that attractive woman that you’ve been thinking of daily? Make your way over to her and ask her out to dinner or ask for her phone number. After all, what have you got to lose? Nothing. If she says no — no big deal. Move on to the next one. What kind of qualities will give you the edge on the other male competition for her heart and affection? For every beautiful woman, you will be competing with tons of other men. Remember that. This is YOUR reality, so you need to be prepared.

Make an effort with your appearance

Let’s start with your appearance. Take a long, persuasive, difficult look in the mirror, and examine yourself. Are you happy with how you look, or do you need to work in some areas? Start concentrating on your looks, being well-groomed, clean, and be a modern man with style. You don’t have to look perfect (or even ideal) in your daily life lounging around at home, but you should clean up for your dates. That means shaving, trimming your beard, putting on a nice shirt, smelling good with tasteful cologne, brushing your teeth so they look shiny, and paying close attention to your personal style. She will appreciate you more for it, and if she notices that you smell like a Greek God, she will likely tell you.

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Pick up some men’s fashion magazines, or go shopping at your favorite stores for stylish clothing or accessories. Ask yourself these compelling questions: What is your personal taste? Do you have good taste in fashion? If you’re unsure, bounce some stellar looks off of other attractive women that you trust, and get their feedback and opinions about your style. Sometimes they will know best because they probably have more of an eye for fashion and style than you do.

Proceed with confidence

There’s nothing wrong with having an air of confidence about you, but you don’t want to appear too cocky or too full of yourself. Oddly enough, sometimes women dig this behavior, but you don’t want to be that guy. Be a little humble, modest, and don’t be too boastful about your accomplishments. It turns most women off, but genuine confidence does not! In fact, most women will tell you that male confidence is sexy.

Be comfortable in your skin, don’t care too much about what other people think about you, and just have that confident air about you that you know what the hell you’re doing with your life. You can be a little narcissistic because I do believe that some narcissism and self-love do indeed work, but you need to be careful to not overdo it. You will stand out from the pack with your confident demeanor and attitude and will appear authentic and not fake.

Be fun and attentive

You want to appear fun, have a sense of humor, be easy to get along with, and you want to be genuine and caring. If you show her that you’re fun, and you make her laugh during the date — this is huge. You want to entertain her and show her your fun side. If she’s going to want to hang out with you, you need to show her that you’re worth her precious time. You will also need to show her empathy, and prove to her that you care about her (wide range) of emotions.

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If she’s upset or in a bad mood, try to ride it out, until she is feeling better emotionally, and not as cranky. If she’s hungry, get her something to eat, so she doesn’t take it out on you! Sometimes women get bitchy when they’re hungry, or everyone for that matter. There can always be a simple fix. Think about a simple solution to make her feel better during a bad day. This shows her that you’re a caring man who thinks more about her than yourself. If you’re witty, intelligent, and clever — more power to you. If you make her smile and laugh with your presence, you’re on the right track.

You want to show her that you’re altruistic, and not selfish at the core. Therefore, that means treating other people with respect, not putting anyone down in front of her. You should be nice to other people, and help them if they’re in need. I’m not saying that you need to be Superman, but just be that way for yourself, and not even for her. She will likely notice that you treat other people well, and this will go a long way for you. She will consider a long-term relationship with you.

Be patient with her

If you’re really into her, you will want to show her that you’re patient and flexible. It’s not showing her that she’s important to you if you’re rushing into a relationship just to be with another woman. You’re better off trying with a woman that you’re really into, and there’s nothing wrong with asking for her phone number, asking her out on a date, or simply trying to establish some sort of emotional connection or chemistry with her. You can always start out as friends and take it from there, but I wouldn’t recommend living in the friend zone with her for the long term unless you love hearing about her new boyfriend.

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You want to be the guy who knows how to win her heart because she’s special to you. You don’t want her to slip into another guy’s arms (or bed). You want to be her main guy, and leave the other guys to find their own women in the dust. Be the one she loves and thinks about. You deserve her.

William is a graphic designer and creative writer. One of his favourite interests is reading books about relationships. He recommends ‘How to Succeed with Women’ and Doc Love’s ‘The System’. He has two adorable children that he enjoys spending time with. William is currently single and is preparing for his next relationship. You can follow him on Twitter.

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