The Internet has been a tool that many people have used in various ways with regards to relationships. Countless couples are currently together because they had formed their relationships through using online dating. There are also couples who have broken up due to discovering their partners were using the Internet to reconnect with their long lost loves from days gone by. How you choose to use the Internet is up to you, but like any tool, the Internet serves a more positive purpose when you use it correctly.
People don’t join dating website just for fun; they join dating sites because they want to meet singles who they are compatible with. If you were contemplating on how to get married and joined a dating site to meet someone serious, you shouldn’t be keeping it a secret. You will never find what you are looking for online unless you are willing to be truthful with yourself and be truthful with the people who you’re marketing yourself to.
Take it seriously
I want you to change the way you look at online dating. A dating website profile is not something that you should create and then use passively if you expect to see any drastic changes in your love life. A dating website is actually an advertising business that individuals can purchase placements (member profiles) from to promote their value to customers (other members of the dating website). If you owned a business, you could not realistically expect to turn a profit if your advertisements would not contain call to action. Your customers would not do business with you.
Your profile is supposed to lure other members towards you. If you are not open about your serious intentions, you are risking your chances of getting what you truly want. However, if you’re undecided about marriage, then you should make that clear too.
Be open about your expectations
Like it or not, marriage is a reasonable expectation that people have with regards to dating. You shouldn’t be surprised when someone who you’re spending time with wants to know where your future together is going. Even though marriage is not unreasonable to expect from your mate, you shouldn’t have to conform to someone else’s idea of marriage if it doesn’t match yours.
Some people prefer to be a committed couple living together or apart without involving the government in their lives. To some people, marriage is not a priority that they want to be pressured into. The internet is wonderful in the sense that you can be as personal or impersonal as you want to be with regards to what you share about your thoughts and goals. However, a dating website is not a place where you should be skimping on important details about yourself. Think about what’s important and what’s not important to share. It is not important to list the place you used to work at when you were in high school, but it is certainly vital for you to post on your member profile whether or not you’re looking for a spouse.
Stick to your agenda
When you read another dating site member’s profile, you’re reading it with the hopes of figuring out if the two of you have similar goals. If your goal is to get married within the next 14 months, then it doesn’t make sense for you to pursue someone whose profile states that they are seeking someone to date casually. The best way to prepare for anything is when you know what the agenda is.
If you’re studying for an exam, you’ll need to know the outline of the exam if you expect to know which areas to focus on. The same idea applies to online dating. If you aren’t aware of what someone else is seeking (and vice versa) then you won’t know how to approach someone. When you have no idea what the plan is, you’ll be unsuccessful with getting results that either of you want. Someone who doesn’t want to get married will resent being pressured to marry. Someone who wants to get married will feel angry at being strung along by someone who never had any plans to wed.
You can certainly get married with somebody that you meet online. Just remember that you are using your profile to promote yourself to other singles. The way you present yourself is key, and your time is valuable. Your online dating goals should be to find someone who wants what you want and isn’t wasting your time by pretending that their relationship goals match yours. You will feel better about yourself and your online dating journey when you are upfront about your serious intentions.