perfect girlfriend

While you’re out there dating, there are certain qualities and situations that you should watch out for and be aware of with women. Even though we all dream of a perfect girlfriend, we all have those horrific or unflattering dates we can remember. Think to yourself, what turned you off? Was it her not showing up for the date and standing you up? Was it that she didn’t post a recent photo of herself before you decided to take her out, only to realize that she doesn’t look the same anymore? Or was it her talking about herself on the date and not getting to know you or listening? Were her eyes wandering around? Was she bored? Or even worse… was she rolling her eyes at you?

Now, think about the woman that you last fell in love with. What qualities did she have that stand out from your bad dates? Did she flip her hair that certain way to make her irresistible? Was it her alluring gaze or pretty smile? Was it her round booty that mesmerized you? Maybe it’s time for you to formulate a strategy for your next ‘right swipes’ and those dates you decide to schedule.

What would be your perfect girlfriend? What qualities would she possess to keep you coming back for more? How would she capture your heart and make you want to keep her? Better yet, what does she do to make you fascinated or obsessed with her? Let’s go over the qualities on every guy’s checklist.

She’s exquisite in appearance

Most straight guys want the hottest woman that will have them. Are you attracted to blondes, brunettes, or red-haired women? Do you like curvy or skinny types? Are you more attracted to breasts than booty, or do you prefer both? What kind of style are you after? Do you like her fashion or style? Do you usually date women with blue eyes? Hazel? Green? Brown? Pink? (I hope not pink eyes). These are all questions that you must ask yourself before jumping into that dating pool. Narrow down your matches so that you will inevitably feel more satisfied and not disappointed.

Your perfect girlfriend should be your trophy girlfriend. You should want to be seen with her, and she should match your appearance or look much better than you. In other words, if you can’t usually get the type of women that you’re attracted to, try putting less emphasis on her outward appearance (the superficial stuff), and get to know her inside. Perhaps she will grow on you with some time. Ideally, you will want to have a girlfriend who you are really attracted to and get along with. It should be a win-win.

A woman who looks exquisite in appearance will have a superb fashion sense. She already knows what outfits look good and loves flaunting her appearance. If she has a nice rack, she’ll proudly show it off. If she has long and beautiful legs, she will wear short dresses. If she has a nice booty, she’ll wear tight jeans. A lot of women have excellent styles. They just have it. They were born with it. She may have a certain unique style that will catch your attention (as well as other men).

Let’s be real here — you will have competition for the woman of your dreams. Nothing comes without hard work. You will compete with other men like you compete with other successful candidates for a good job. If you have your eyes on the woman who is exquisite in appearance (and she knows it), 20 other single men will also have their eyes on her. So, how will you stand out from them? You will have a strategy. You will be confident. You will also be unique, and you will not treat her like a princess or queen. Because she already gets that from everyone who finds her beautiful and puts her up on a pedestal. She’s been hearing that she’s beautiful since she was born. You’re going in to get to know her beyond her superficial appearance. So you start by asking her simple questions and being funny and fun to be around. Ask questions, but let her get to know you slowly.

Let’s be real here — you will have competition for the woman of your dreams. Click To Tweet

She allows you to be yourself

There are plenty of ‘love experts’ to go around that will give you advice about being a challenge with women, playing games with women, not being your genuine self, or revealing your real personality. That’s fine and dandy if you’re looking for a sex buddy. However, you will end up alone if you can’t be yourself around her. It’s fine to use some useful tips and dating advice from love experts, but eventually, your ‘real self’ will come out while getting to know her better. It’s inevitable unless you’re a superb actor or a con man. So, you must ensure you’re not acting like someone you are not if you want her to stay. Women like genuine guys who don’t want to merely have sex with them and treat them like sex objects (most women do, that is). Also, don’t be too thirsty while communicating with them or during your dates.

If you feel comfortable around her, and she ‘lets you be yourself’, more power to you! You found yourself a keeper because you can be your genuine self around her, and she loves you just the way you are, flaws and all. It’s best to look for a woman who lets you just be you and loves you for it.

Before being ‘yourself’, it’s time to do some self-examination. Are there tendencies that you can improve upon? Perhaps you can improve your communication skills or become more empathetic to her feelings. Maybe you’re too focused on your career and yourself and need to be more caring and thoughtful to her. Perhaps you’re disrespecting her somehow, and you need to fix that. Be yourself around her, but don’t be afraid to improve or be self-critical. Don’t ask her for criticism, but take a long look at yourself to see what you can improve to make your life (and hers) much easier.

You need to make sure that you're not acting like someone that you are not if you want her to stay. Click To Tweet

She respects and honors you

You want to be with a woman who doesn’t always put you down or insult you. Your perfect girlfriend should compliment you, lift you while you’re down, and show you empathy. She should show you that she cares about you and respects you. She will do this with her actions by being loyal to her behavior, and you will feel like number one to her. If you already have this in your relationship, thank your lucky stars because many guys don’t, and they suffer in silence.

She will also do nice things for you, surprise you when you least expect it, and you will feel loved because she’ll give you love since she’s a flexible giver. If there’s a change of plans, it’s no big deal. If you can’t go out on the date for some reason, she’ll allow you to reschedule or counteroffer. If you have a woman like this, make sure you return the favor as well and don’t take her for granted. Show her that you appreciate her flexibility with you.

The woman who respects and honors you should feel loved. That means that you will often pay her back for her loyalty and love. Surprise her with a fancy date, buy her a gift that she’ll cherish, hug her when she feels down to lift her up—there are many things that you can do to pay her back for her love and support. If she makes you #1, you should show her that she’s your perfect girlfriend.

Show her that you appreciate her flexibility with you. Click To Tweet

She hates drama and arguing

Your perfect girlfriend will hate drama and arguing with you. A relationship is no fun if you always go back and forth with arguing and trying to ‘one-up’ each other. If she’s the kind of dramatic woman who needs drama in her life (some women are), you can try to talk with her first, but most likely, she won’t change for you.

You need to be with someone you can relax and chill with, who doesn’t tend to make drama out of little situations. Save yourself the headache, heartache, and grief by finding someone who is caring and kind and doesn’t like drama and arguing. Some women will say that they hate drama and arguing but will behave oppositely like they need the tumultuous drama in their lives around you. Do yourself a favor and save the drama for going out to the movies.

You will have your share of arguments in a relationship (in most relationships, you will disagree or argue from time to time). Still, there’s a difference between arguing once a month and twice a day over little meaningless things. Find a woman you can disagree with but also make up with, move forward, and learn from the experience. That’s flexibility. If you’re arguing with her over everything, you’re likely in a toxic relationship. Do yourself a favor and get out before things get worse for you. Trust me.

A relationship is no fun if you are always going back and forth with arguing and trying to 'one-up' each other. Click To Tweet

She’s fun and optimistic about life

Let’s face it… We all have our bad days. I’m not stating that she needs to be phony and smiling all the time, but she should have a generally optimistic view of life. If she cusses a lot, and you feel like she’s a negative ball of energy, she’s probably not the right fit for you. She should be fun, and you should be able to enjoy life with her without negative vibes and always having to feel like you need to cheer her up for her to get through the day.

Your perfect girlfriend should want to go to football games with you, go bowling, go out to comedy clubs and romantic restaurants, and have creative events, and she should want to spend time with you without feeling bored. She should have a high interest level in you. You will have the occasional situations when you won’t get along in the relationship, but for the most part, you are inseparable. She shows you that she loves you by enjoying it with you.

You have a stable relationship when she’s fun and optimistic about life. It makes life much easier. She’s someone that you can depend on and you can confide in. When you do things together, you have a good time. You create memories. You find yourself traveling the world, experiencing life together, and enjoying your relationship. When she’s fun and optimistic about life, you are as well.

She’s loyal and has your back

Last but not least, she’s loyal and supportive. She talks you up in front of her friends, doesn’t put you down, doesn’t insult you, or talks shit about you behind your back. She says good things about you because she values you. A good woman will defend you if someone says something negative about you.

She’ll also think about you first. She makes you the priority in her brain and heart because she has a high-interest level in you and doesn’t want to jeopardize your relationship. You have little to worry about when she’s loyal and has your back. Life is complex, and she will be your loyal life partner. It’s important that you understand how lucky you are and that you treat her well.

A telltale sign will be if you feel your relationship is stable and fun instead of an uphill battle with plenty of drama. Can you chill with your girlfriend or argue about petty things daily? Does everything seem difficult for you, and do you feel like having a mental breakdown with her? Does she push you to your limit, or are things generally pleasant within the relationship? Your relationship should feel easy, pleasant, and nurturing. You should feel loved and complete. That’s what your perfect girlfriend will give you. Remember that.

These are the main qualities to look out for when you are dating. Your perfect girlfriend will realize that you’re special to her, and she will treat you right. Some friends are lucky enough to have women with these qualities. I’ve also experienced the opposite when guys struggle to keep their women interested in them, and their wives or girlfriends end up cheating or breaking their hearts. Unfortunately, this happens, but if you learn from your bad dating and relationship experiences, karma will hopefully reward you with someone special whom you can call your perfect girlfriend.

William is a graphic designer and creative writer. One of his favourite interests is reading books about relationships. He recommends ‘How to Succeed with Women’ and Doc Love’s ‘The System’. He has two adorable children that he enjoys spending time with. William is currently single and is preparing for his next relationship. You can follow him on Twitter.

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