heal your heart

Breakups can come in all shapes and sizes. Emotions are running high and everyone has a different way of coping and moving on with the breakup. One thing we can agree on is music can help to heal your heart.

They say music is one of the best therapies so here is my rundown of what you should be listening to whatever your reaction to your recent break up is. With the power of music, you can get through it!

1. When you need a good cry

Boyz II Men – End Of The Road

Sometimes a break up can make you feel like you have hit rock bottom. It’s ok to be sad after a breakup, even if you know it was the right thing to do. The only way to get the sadness out is to avoid suppressing your feelings and having good blubber; the ugly kind. So get a box of tissues, many a chocolate treat and four perfectly harmonious men to help you get your tears out. You will always feel better for it,  and what’s the worst that can happen? You ruin your mascara for the day! Nothing a face wipe can’t fix.

2. When you’re taking the high road

Justin Timberlake – Cry Me A River

It’s easy to take the angry route and go into full-on hate your ex mode after the break down of a relationship. However, the high road can often be a quicker route to take to get out of the darkness and move on. Everyone at some point gets the wool pulled over their eyes and fooled by a lover. At least we don’t have to do it in the spotlight. When Justin Timberland broke up with Britney Spears, instead of wallowing in self-pity, he got the ultimate revenge by releasing this banger! Even though it took him nearly ten years to actually admit it was related to his break with Britney. There’s no better feeling knowing that despite your hurt, you haven’t done anything wrong and you are the bigger person for taking the high road.

3. When you initiated the breakup

Fleetwood Mac – Go Your Own Way

It’s an awful situation when your heart is no longer in a relationship but your partner doesn’t feel the same. It’s very difficult to do the right thing and stop the relationship before you get any deeper into it. And it can come with huge guilt. But honesty is always the best policy and you can’t muster up feelings that aren’t there. So when you need a reminder that you’ve done the right thing, listen to Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks will tell you that going your own way is a good thing.

4. When you’ve been cheated on

Sam Smith – I’m Not The Only One

One of the worst things that can happen to you is getting cheated on by someone you love. It makes you lose your self-confidence, your self-belief and your worth and it’s something that can affect you and your future relationships for a long time. But knowing that it happens to a lot of people can make you feel like you’re not alone. And it seems Sam Smith has had plenty of unlucky in love situations. So stick on his album to support you through a pretty awful time; his amazing vocals can only make you feel better.

5. When you’re angry

Alanis Morrisette – You Oughta Know

Being hurt can bring out the worst in people. But instead of making huge mistakes and taking your anger out on the wrong people, spend a little time with Miss Morrisette. For over twenty years her Jagged Little Pill album has been helping millions through messy breakups. And I can’t think of a better therapy than singing You Oughta Know at the top of your lungs in the shower. Just make sure your flatmates or neighbors aren’t around. They might begin to worry.

6. When you’re sad but hopeful

Adele – Someone Like You

After some breakups, you feel unhappy that it’s an end of a chapter. Change can be terrifying and it is so easy to stick to what you know. But everything happens for a reason and you can be disappointed that you’re no longer with your ex and focus on what the future can bring. There is plenty of fish in the sea and Adele is the person to look to for guidance when you are feeling like this. After all, she has experienced such heartbreak to have written some of the best breakup songs of all time and now she’s very happy in love. So why not be hopeful about your future?

7. When you’re about to relapse

Joy Division – Love Will Tear Us Apart

Everyone faces a moment of ‘what if?’ What if you’ve made a mistake? What if you have let the one go? This usually happens on a weekend when your diary is completely empty or when you’ve been invited to a party and you don’t want to go without a date. But stay strong! There is a reason your relationship ended and it should stay that way. So if you feel like you’re about to relapse, pop on some Joy Division to remind yourself love can hurt, especially when you keep going back to something that doesn’t work.

8. When you need to be reminded it’s OK

Destiny’s Child – Survivor

Society can sometimes make you feel like being single equates to failing at your love life. But I think singledom should be celebrated. It’s better to be happy and single than unhappy and in the wrong relationship. Being newly single doesn’t mean you’ve failed, it means you can have time to rediscover who you are as a person on your own. So read the book that’s been on your shelf for a while, take up a new hobby or watch that series your ex wasn’t interested in. It’s ok to be single, and Destiny’s Child is the perfect band to remind you. You can be an independent woman and you can survive anything.

9. When you’re moving on

Sia – Cheap Thrills

Sometimes the best thing to do when you’re feeling down is to gather up your girlfriends, get glam and go for a girl’s night out to dance your heartache away. Sia is a powerhouse of a lady and who better to accompany you when her advice is all you need is a good company and good music to have the best time.

However you are feeling after a breakup, there is no doubt that music can help to heal your heart and move onwards and upwards. So break out the vinyls and listen away from your troubles.

Elle works as a freelance singer, travelling the world performing on cruise ships and in hotels. Find her on Facebook or check out more about her writing on her website.

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