female friends

A lot of guys complain about getting friend-zoned. If that’s you, welcome. You’re in the majority. Most men absolutely despise being placed outside of a woman’s sexual selection radar. It affects their male ego in a way that is visceral and deep. I, however, personally love having female friends as there are a lot of […]

dating a friend

In my most profound relationship I considered my partner to be my best friend. We had a great relationship, we did everything together and I truly felt comfortable around him even from the early stages. A lasting relationship is first and foremost a partnership and should be treated like an investment. The more time invested

being friend-zoned

Film and literature have long manipulated us into believing that romance is the highest form of human connection that can be achieved, and in turn, that friendship is somehow second best. The stark truth is that friendship is often a lot easier to come by than a romantic connection. Too often we beat ourselves up