Have you broken up with someone and then realized that it was a mistake, and you want your man back for good? The emotions that accompany a breakup can make you feel out of control, leave you with a desire to express your sadness, and even get your ex back. You may have been told that silence after a breakup helps you rekindle your relationship. But how much truth is there in this? Does silence make a man miss you?
What does silence say to a man?
It is common to want to contact him and try to get back together. However, sometimes this can do more harm than good. In fact, many men say that when a woman chases them after they have broken up, they are less likely than ever to want to get back together.
We are programmed to believe that if we use total radio silence after a breakup, there is no chance that we will get our relationship back. However, if you leave your ex-partner alone, your silence can send a clear message to him that you are moving on and do not need him in your life. This message is powerful and can help your ex understand the magnitude of what he has lost. It may even make him realize that he is ready to come back to work things out!
Your ex will feel like he has lost the power in the relationship and will need to evaluate what he wants and if he wants you back. Silence helps to stop arguing over the same things that have bugged you both for some time and allows you to remember what you love about each other.
Silence helps to stop arguing over the same things that have bugged you both for some time and allows you to remember what you love about each other. Click To TweetBeing strong enough to leave him alone can be challenging, but if you genuinely want to know how to make him miss you, total radio silence can be one of the best ways. The message you are sending him with the radio silence is that you are a strong independent woman, and you know how to live a fulfilled life without him. This type of massage is hugely powerful and very attractive. While you can’t be sure that you will see your ex back asking for a second chance, it is definitely better than chasing him and begging him to come back.
Does the No Contact Rule actually work?
You may have heard of the No Contact Rule. This is when you and your ex-partner cut all contact whatsoever following the breakup. This can last indefinitely or be limited to a specific time (e.g., a month). You will be able to consider whether you really miss each other’s company or not. You won’t be able to argue, beg, or say anything else potentially regrettable in the heat of emotion.
The No Contact Rule can be very effective. However, you have to stick to it without any slip-ups and understand that it is not a rule for every argument you have. Don’t fall for the idea that if you are not getting your own way, then the best thing is to be silent. This strategy should be saved for when everything else has failed, and your partner determined that the relationship is over.
It is essential to maintain silence because you take everything back to square one and reduce the likelihood of him wanting to return when you get in touch. If you find yourself wondering, ‘does he miss me?’, you have to stay strong and focus on other areas of your life while giving him the time to reflect and think about what he has lost. Suppose you think about a time where you have had to consider a decision. In that case, it is probably true to say that you like to have the time you need without any external pressure; this is what the No Contact Rule helps you to achieve.
The No Contact Rule is not restricted to calls and texts. It means that you should avoid him at all costs and in all ways, including social media. This is an essential step in learning how to make a man miss you. It takes away the opportunity for you to be a force in his life, giving him the chance to decide what he wants and whether you are the one he wants to be with. By making yourself utterly unavailable to him, he has a higher chance of realizing what he is missing. It will allow him to want you back in a healthy and constructive way.
The No Contact Rule is not restricted to calls and texts. It means that you should avoid him at all costs and in all ways, including social media. Click To TweetI am not saying that if you cut him off, he will miss you. In fact, when you distance yourself from him, you may find that you like your new life better or that he likes his. Ultimately, using radio silence also gives you time to get space and clarity so that you both can decide what you want in your life without pressure.
Use silence after a breakup to get motivated, rediscover what you like, and become the person you want to be without thinking about anyone else’s needs. This way, when he does begin to miss you, he will be able to make a decision based on who you have become rather than what your relationship was in the past.
How long does it take a guy to miss you?
In reality, there is no specific time frame for how long it may take for your ex to get in touch. You need to understand that when it comes to learning how to make your ex miss you, there will be a range of factors at work. These factors will be dependent on the time you were together, how the relationship ended, and even the personality of the guy you were dating. It can take time to make a man miss what he once had, and silence after a breakup can sometimes go on for months before you get your ex back.
If your ex does contact you, it is vital to be prepared for what to say. He may share that he has been thinking about getting back together, but is unsure. In this case, you should both consider if this is what you want. This usually means finding a solution that works for both of you so that you don’t end up ruining the possibility of getting back together. The advice on how to handle this situation may change depending on your specific circumstances and personalities. However, the best technique is often remembering what first sparked the attraction between you and then putting that information to work to get your ex back. If you spoke to him a certain way or showed a particular side of your personality that made him attracted to you in the first place, now is the time to emphasize this.
You need to understand that when it comes to learning how to make your ex miss you, there will be a range of factors at work. Click To TweetOne of the best ways to get your ex back is to be warm, welcoming and focused on the future. This will all help create a healing environment where you can rekindle your love. Being too hostile or playing hard to get can often spoil any work you did when using silence. Make him see what he has been missing out on and use physical interaction to show him how. Make him miss you by reminding him of all the things he loved when you were together, and in no time at all, he will know he wants you, and you will have your ex back.
How can you tell if a guy misses you?
So many people want to know how to tell if a man misses you or not. The good news is that working out if your man misses you or not is not as difficult as you may first believe! If you can be strong enough to remain silent and provide him with the space he needs, he will return to you when it is right and ready. Someone once shared that they had pushed and pushed for their ex to return but that because they hadn’t been open to the idea of time apart, they fell that pull to break up again as soon as they got back together. Don’t be that person! Instead, try to give him that space to make up his own mind.
His return should signal that he has missed you and provide you with the possibility to heal together and move into a new phase of your relationship. You’re both responsible for helping your relationship to reach new heights. This means moving forwards and putting the effort in to make the relationship work. To work out how to avoid the same mistakes you made in the past, you may need to discuss and identify the breakup reasons in the first place. It won’t work if you aren’t both in it 100%, so keep in mind that you have to work hard to make it work when the relationship starts again.
When your ex starts showing interest again, make sure that it is for the right reasons before you agree to get back together. For example, a man who turns up late at night looking for somewhere to stay does not show you or your relationship the respect it deserves. Sometimes, a person may say that they miss you when what they really miss is just sex!
If he shows up or calls at a reasonable time and in a respectful way, you can be more optimistic than he is there for the right reasons. Don’t be afraid to ask what he wants from your relationship. He might be scared to admit that he wants you back if he is unsure of your position. Be prepared to listen to him to make sure that you can give him what he needs rather than sustain a relationship where neither of you feels fulfilled.
Remember that when you decide to stop interacting with your ex, you should use that time to forward your own interests and pursuits. This is vital to remember when wondering how to make your ex miss you. A woman who is seen to be moving on and has other interests rather than her ex will be more attractive to a man who misses her enough to come back.
A woman who is seen to be moving on and has other interests rather than her ex will be more attractive to a man who misses her enough to come back. Click To TweetHe’s less likely to miss someone whose life has almost stood still when he has been gone. Take the time that you are silent to re-energize yourself so that you are ready to put all your energy into your relationship when he comes back. That way, your man will never underestimate how much he had to miss when you were apart.
Many couples get back together because they are lonely, rather than because that person was right for them. While you are in the period of silence, use this time to really think about whether you miss that person specifically, or if you just want to have a boyfriend! Let him miss you too, and contemplate the same thing himself.
Remember that relationships are a two-way street. You will both need to be ready to change your behavior if you are keen to get back together. Silence is just the first step to saving your relationship, so be strong and take that step with confidence.