attractive young woman texting while chilling at home

Recently, a friend of mine came to me with a problem. “I’ve met a new guy, and he texts me every day,” she said, looking overwhelmed and unsure. “What’s up?” I asked. I thought she’d be thrilled that a new guy in her life was texting her every day. Gosh, I’m sure plenty of women […]

young woman wondering why guys dont call when they like you

So you had a great date, everything was going perfectly fine, and you both seemed to click. After that, you exchanged your numbers. And now, a few days later, you are lying in your bed in frustration, checking your cell phone from time to time, waiting for this guy to call you. But he doesn’t! 

undeniable signs that he likes you

Are you wondering if that guy at work, in class, or in your group of friends might have a crush on you? Maybe the two of you have hung out with each other a few times or spoken casually, and you’re attracted to him but not sure if the feeling is mutual. If you’ve been

signs he's not interested after first date

After the first date, you may want to know what’s happening. Does he like me? Is he infatuated with me, or even better yet, obsessed with me? Despite your high expectations of how the date went or how much he likes you, you may want to know the signs that he’s not really into you.

does he like me

Have you ever been on a date with a good-looking guy and you’ve struggled to put your finger on what he’s thinking? I have. It’s tough. Is he just not interested or is he giving me “this is second date material” vibes? Does he like me? Fear not, because I have been in the exact