attractive young woman texting while chilling at home

Recently, a friend of mine came to me with a problem. “I’ve met a new guy, and he texts me every day,” she said, looking overwhelmed and unsure. “What’s up?” I asked. I thought she’d be thrilled that a new guy in her life was texting her every day. Gosh, I’m sure plenty of women would love to be her!

Instead, she looked pensive: “Well, he texts me every single day. Does he like me? When a guy texts you every day, what does that mean?”

My first instinct was to scream from the rooftops, “Of course he likes you! What is wrong with you?!” But after sipping some of my mocha and carefully mulling the question over, I realized why my friend looked so concerned.

I thought about myself and how I’d react if I had a new man who texted me every day. I’d probably have the same questions as my friend: does he genuinely like me, or does he text a whole load of other girls every day, too?

To get to the bottom of this annoying little question, we’ll look at a few possible scenarios and discuss how to tell if a guy likes you over text.

Why a man texts you every day: 22 reasons

If a guy talks to you every day, does he like you — even if it’s via text? The fact is that when a man texts you every day, he has a reason for it. Why else would he put so much time into contacting you?

But sometimes, figuring out that reason can be a challenge. Here are the most common reasons to help you answer the pressing question: “Why does he text me every day?”

1. He wants to be your friend

How men text when they like you as a friend often differs from how they text if they have a sexual or romantic attraction to you. If he texts you daily, it means he likes you — that is unquestionable.

What may be less clear is in what way he likes you. While some people say that men and women can never be just friends, the truth is that there are plenty of platonic friendships.

The content of his texts may indicate whether he likes you as a friend or as something more. Guys’ texting habits are usually different between good friends and love interests.

There may be some overlap. Asking if you have weekend plans or sending you funny or interesting videos are all things guys do with friends and crushes, but there are some signs that you are squarely in the friend zone.

If a guy is overly honest about things that may be considered unattractive, mentions attraction to other girls, or even gives you dating advice, he may like you just as a friend. Depending on your feelings for the guy, this can either be a bad or a good sign.

couple riding bikes in the park

2. He is physically attracted to you

While a man may not necessarily know you well enough to have a full-blown crush on you, he may be attracted to you sexually. From a guy’s perspective on texting, he may have seen you and thought, “Wow, she’s hot. I want to get to know her better!”

He may want to know if there is more than physical attraction and is trying to start a conversation with you to find out. A guy who is physically attracted to you may want to find out if the two of you would be a good dating match.

On the other hand, he may be looking for a more casual relationship or even just someone to booty call now and then! There’s nothing wrong with this as long as he is respectful and honest instead of pretending to have other motives.

Should you feel the same attraction, feel free to start texting him back and have some fun! And if you are not interested in him, let him know.

woman in a hammock with a phone texting

3. He’s in love with you

If you speak to a man face-to-face, you can often look at his body language to see if he shows signs of attraction. You can tell through his body language if a guy is fighting his feelings.

When a man romantically likes you, you may notice he texts you first and that his messages slightly differ from how others text you. This may be blatant but is sometimes more subtle and gradual.

So, how do guys text when they like you romantically? There are various signs to look out for.

Using a lot of emojis can be a sign of trying to flirt, showing an unusual amount of interest in what you have to say and how you feel. Trying to impress you can also be a sign of attraction. If he shares achievements with you, this may be the case.

Texting back quickly can signal that he is hanging on your every word. The same goes for texting late at night.

“Good morning” texts are another sign that you are the first thing on his mind when he wakes up. When a guy texts you in the morning, he is likely interested in a romantic relationship with you.

If a guy has fallen for you, this could either be a good sign or a problem, depending on whether you feel you have chemistry with one another. Learning to tell if a man genuinely likes you through text is one thing. Deciding what to do about it is another!

young couple on a date having drinks

4. He misses you

If a guy suddenly starts to text you every day, it could be that he misses your company. It doesn’t matter whether he’s madly in love with you or just a good buddy — we all begin to miss the people whose company we enjoy if we haven’t seen them in a while.

Think about the last time you spent time with him or even talked to him in the first place. If it’s been a few days or even longer, he might be trying to let you know that he’d like to meet and catch up with you.

Another sign of him missing you is that he keeps suggesting that you two go out somewhere together. Now, this could mean that he’s fishing for a date, but it could also be that he wants to keep in touch with a good friend.

Depending on your past relationship, it may be nice to know someone misses you. But at the same time, if he’s getting too clingy, you should also tell him that you need some time apart.

young couple chatting while sitting together

5. He’s a shy guy

Is he putting thought and creativity into his texts and investing in the messages he sends you? In that case, he might be a shy guy

Shy guys rarely make the first move on their own. When dealing with a shy guy, suppose you’ll take the lead. Suggest a call by texting something like “You have such a sexy voice, would love to chat sometime soon…” or invite him to connect over a mutual interest so you can chat with him.

But if the guy ignores your requests to hang out and keeps texting you soulmate poems and love paragraphs, you might have a great pen pal but a lousy boyfriend. Decide what you want.

Don’t be afraid to take a peek at his social networks. Does he have friends? What does he like to do? Is he out partying at 3 am or spends all the evenings inside with a book and a cup of tea? Do your research to determine what kind of personality he is.

shy young man smiling while looking away

6. He looks up to you

Guys don’t only send texts to people they are friends with or have a crush on. There are many different reasons a guy might be texting you daily. Check out the content of his text messages to you. Is he sending things to impress you?

If this is the case, he may have a crush on you. However, another less obvious reason may be that he looks up to you as a superior. Think of how you met. Do you know him through work or a mutual hobby or interest?

He may see you as an example or even a role model. I remember once receiving daily texts from a guy in my local amateur dramatics group and wondering if he had a crush on me. After asking a mutual friend if this was the case, I discovered the truth: he admired my acting skills and wanted to improve his craft!

young man admiring woman in coffee shop

7. He wants your opinions

Does the guy text to ask what he should do, no matter how important stuff he’s dealing with? Then it could be that he’s looking for confirmation or a second opinion.

There are a few reasons why a guy might do this. He may be a very indecisive person who thinks that you seem to have your act together, and as such, he trusts your opinions.

He might also try to involve you in his life decisions to bring you closer together. Your past interactions are likely to determine which is the case.

How you should react to this kind of situation depends on how you feel about the guy. If you are also looking to establish a romantic relationship or don’t mind helping out a guy friend, feel free to give him your opinions. But don’t become just a crutch for him.

he texts me every day

8. He likes to gossip

Did you think only girls like gossip? Think again. It might just as well be that your guy likes a juicy rumor.

If he constantly texts you with the latest drama from his life, this is likely the case. He might want to hear your thoughts on the matter and perhaps find out if you like gossiping as much as he does.

He might also be asking you about the juiciest rumors about your friends. This can be a bad or good thing. On the plus side, he’s interested in your life; on the other hand, you’re more than just a source of cheap drama.

By all means, keep the gossip going if that’s what you like. But if you prefer your life drama free and the guy doesn’t want anything else from you, it’s best to ask him to stop texting you.

woman listening to a man gossiping

9. He’s a natural flirt

I have known lots of guys who love texting. They would send me texts about all kinds of things, from music to film, to travel, to dreams to flirty banter, to the usual chit-chat, such as “how are you today?” and “good night, sleep tight.”

Then I realized that these guys didn’t dig me that much, and the messages didn’t mean anything in particular. Some guys simply enjoy the act of texting girls. He doesn’t mean anything by sending flirty texts, it’s just how he entertains himself.

One of the guys was texting at least five other women during the same period. And just like he was swamping me with texts, he was also swamping them with texts.

There’s not necessarily anything wrong with this. But you don’t need to play along with a guy who loves texting and flirting for their own sake.

Just listen to your gut. We usually have a pretty good feeling about someone’s true intentions. Does it feel like he’s playing you, or is he just having a good time as he sends flirty texts?

guy texting by the pool

10. He doesn’t want to bother you with calls

Not everyone likes calls, and they might assume that you don’t. The guy texting you may think his constant messages are less of a bother than his calling you.

You can probably see the logic behind this thinking. After all, you can always swipe the message away and text back later when you feel like it. That might be what he expects you to do.

But receiving texts every five minutes can still be a nuisance. You’ll have to explain to him that you’d prefer a call if this is the case you’re dealing with.

man texting on his phone

11. He is lonely

Sometimes people text simply because they are lonely and want someone to talk to. Socializing is very important for your mental health and sense of well-being.

There may be no motive behind his messages other than the desire for conversation. Perhaps he lives on his own and doesn’t have many mates.

If this is the case, you should consider if you want to keep texting daily with somebody who wants nothing more than some company. Does this sound good to you? Why not enjoy having a new pen pal to chat with?

However, if you are interested in this guy romantically, you may not simply want to talk about the weather. You should probably tell him when you are interested in more than just chatting. Don’t torture yourself by allowing feelings to develop for someone who doesn’t see you that way.

lonely man sitting on couch with popcorn

12. He is bored

Boredom can lead to decisions that we may not otherwise make and affect our texting patterns. It may be that a guy texts you every day just as something to do to kill time.

However, while boredom may have caused him to text you, this doesn’t necessarily mean he does not like or respect you. Most of us don’t go out of our way to talk with people we dislike, even if we are bored.

Texting frequently (whether once or dozens of times every day) during certain periods and then stopping completely at other times is a sign that the guy only texts when he has nothing else to do.

While he might go quiet when he is busy, he will probably make you aware of this and make some effort to contact you at least once every few days if he is interested in you. If a guy doesn’t text you for a week after attacking you with messages for days, something or someone else may have grabbed his attention.

bored young man watching tv on the couch

13. He’s looking for emotional support

The guy texting you every day might be going through a rough patch in his life due to different things. Maybe he just had a bad breakup, is stressed at work, or struggling with other personal problems.

This can be a difficult situation. You might be genuinely interested in giving him the support he needs, especially if you fancy him.

You can support him, but don’t let him drag you into his personal issues. Then again, since most men hate sharing personal matters with strangers, this is a great sign that he sees you as someone he can trust and rely on.

It’s a hard choice, and you must consider how to approach these situations carefully. After all, you’re not a relationship expert or a therapist. He may need more help than you can provide.

And if one of those happens to be your actual job, then the guy should probably reach out to you through official channels and not on your number.

couple holding hands in support

14. He has difficulty talking on the phone

Not many people consider that those who text a lot may have a genuine reason to do so. The guy constantly texting you may be struggling with one of the below two things.

He might have hearing or other issues that aren’t obvious during in-person conversations but can make telephone conversations difficult, even if he would enjoy talking to you. Guys can be surprisingly sensitive about such things. He might rather keep texting instead of bringing it up.

Another reason most guys prefer texting is that they don’t know how to express themselves through words. Many men are, unfortunately, brought up to never show their emotions in daily life because it’s “unmanly.”

Talking via text might be his way of getting out of his shell and telling you how he feels. Spending time with him in person could get him to open up and stop texting so often — if you like him.

young man talking on mobile phone in a cafe

15. He’s scared of losing you

Did you recently have an argument or a fight with the guy? Or are you ghosting him to play hard to get? For these or other reasons like them, he might be sending texts constantly because he’s afraid you’re planning to dump him.

This is particularly common in a new relationship when you don’t know each other all that well. It can also happen if you have a particularly heated argument. He checks in daily to ensure you’re still there for him.

You might not feel like it at the moment, but the best approach here would probably be to just text back. Even if you’ve still mad, let him know you haven’t disappeared from his life.

After all, nobody likes being ghosted. If the guy thinks you’ve cut him off for good, he might start looking for new relationships — even if you only intended to make him squirm for a bit.

beautiful woman looking at a man

16. He is afraid of being tied down

Texting can be an easy way out for a man who has commitment issues. He doesn’t have to meet up or call — he can deluge you with texts. For him, there is a distance between you, and he’s under no pressure to call this a relationship.

For some men, texting is a sort of safety net. If he doesn’t want a full-on relationship, he can satisfy himself by texting you instead. He still gets pleasure from the conversation and perhaps even brags about this ‘relationship’ to his buddies. Then, he can turn off the tap when he’s had enough.

Remember that you aren’t just some guy’s entertainment — you deserve more than that! You deserve a guy who is invested in you and wants to build a relationship, not someone who is utterly emotionally unavailable.

If he doesn’t suggest meeting up after a few weeks of texting, either cut your losses or invite him to join you and your friends for an activity (something you are going to, regardless if he’s there or not).

young man using his phone in the city

17. He is using you to boost his ego

You might not be the only girl on his radar. Some guys have an arsenal of girls on tap that they text, email, and call daily. They don’t want to get involved with any of them on a serious level.

Guys like that enjoy knowing the girl is there, ready to answer at the drop of a hat. A player might text you daily, but you never know who else he is texting.

You might not be the only one on his radar. Some guys have an arsenal of girls on tap that they text, email, and call each day. Click To Tweet

“Why is he still texting me if he’s not interested?” you might ask. For some men, this is an ego boost. They even brag to their buddies about how many girls text them to make themselves feel good.

It might sound demeaning, but it happens. Today he might send Sandra a text, while tomorrow, he might be in the mood to talk to Alice.

If you sense this might be the case, try not to melt when the guy says he misses you — he might not mean it. He expects to hear it from you that will stroke his ego before he texts somebody else to say the same thing.

arrogant guy with girls in background

18. He’s trying to make you jealous

Is the guy ceaselessly texting you about other ladies or sending pictures of him out on the town surrounded by women? That’s a pretty strong indicator he’s trying to make you jealous.

It’s an age-old trick. If he manages to get under your skin, you might respond by giving him more romantic attention and letting him “win” in the situation.

You might want to cut the guy off at this point. First, this scummy tactic doesn’t say anything good about his personality.

Second, if you do end up giving what he wants, you’ll only reinforce his idea that this is an acceptable way to treat women. You could save yourself and other women a lot of trouble by telling him to stop bothering you. Let him have all his other lady friends.

woman jealous that her crush is with another girl

19. He wants to keep you as an option

When a guy texts you every day but seems to avoid getting any closer to you platonically or romantically, your alarm bells should go off. Sending mixed signals like this probably means he is keeping you as an option.

But would a player text you every day? Yes, he would.

Some guys like to keep a side chick always to have someone they can try their luck with. He’ll text you to maintain your interest while he pursues romantic relationships with other ladies he considers more desirable behind your back.

If those efforts fail, he might start giving you more attention and even date you. You’re his last resort.

Does this sound like a relationship you want to be in? Probably not. If you notice the above signs and it becomes clear you’re his Option B, C, or even lower down the alphabet, walk away.

After all, he’ll probably run off as soon as someone “better” comes along. And you certainly deserve better than that.

man and two women running on beach with kite

20. He wants to sext or receive nudes

Some guys are pretty horny a lot of the time. When texting with guys, it is common for girls to get more than they bargained for in a conversation that started innocently!

This can range from everyday flirty questions to more explicit sexual messages. If you are into sexting, have fun, but if you have not indicated that you want the conversation to head in this direction, he should respect that.

It is important to remember that a guy should never send you explicit text messages or images without asking your permission first. If a guy does this, don’t feel bad about simply deleting his number or blocking him.

When a guy is respectful, he may gradually increase his messages’ flirtatiousness to test your boundaries. If you want to get involved in sexting, that’s fine. Just ensure respect on both sides.

young beautiful woman in bedroom

21. He’s the controlling or jealous type

Is he constantly asking questions about your personal life, like where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re with? If you get texts like this from a guy every day, that is rarely a positive sign.

If a guy messages you every day and it seems he’s trying to keep tabs on you — he probably is. He could be a very jealous person or a control freak who wants to decide what you’re allowed to do and when.

When faced with a jealous and/or controlling man, you have to think carefully about what you want to do. It could be that he’s been hurt in his love life and he might get over these unpleasant texting habits once he learns to trust you.

Then again, he could also just be a controlling jerk. It might be a good idea to talk with him about his bad habits.

If it turns out that he actually wants to rule over your entire life, run and don’t look back.

young couple arguing in a park

22. He is obsessed with you

Whether a guy likes you as a friend, a crush, or sees you as a potential long-term partner, his keen interest can develop into an unhealthy obsession. When he texts you again despite your hints — or even telling him outright — that you are not interested in him, this is something to be concerned about.

While many of us have been infatuated with people, most know not to cross boundaries with inappropriately frequent or intense texts. Unfortunately, not everybody knows how to do this.

If he texts you every day despite you trying to hint — or even telling him outright — that you are not interested in him, this is something to be concerned about. Click To Tweet

Many women (and some men) have stories of people who won’t leave them alone and, in some cases, even stalk them. This can potentially put your safety at risk and should not be ignored.

Even if you secretly like a guy, if he does not take “no” for an answer and keeps contacting you even when you don’t text him back, this is a bad sign, and you should cut contact with him. You are not obligated to answer texts if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

young man singing love song to a woman

What to do if a guy texts you every day

“He texts me all day long, and the next day, and the next.” Sound familiar? Even cute text messages can become an issue if you get too many.

If you’ve encountered a serial texter, here are some ways you can try to deal with him.

Find someone who’s on the same page

Have you asked yourself: “He messages me every day. Does he want to get to know me better?” The answer is yes, but not necessarily in the way you’d want him to.

A guy can fire off a text from a dentist’s waiting room, a bus, or a bathroom. It requires minimal effort from a man to text you every day.

So how to tell if a man likes you through texting? If he sends you mundane, cookie-cutter-type text, he might be a serial texter and nothing more.

If he is just sending you mundane, cookie-cutter type messages, he might be a serial texter and nothing more. Click To Tweet

Texting for some guys is a way to keep a girl interested—to hook her in. But the reality is that they don’t have any long-term goals.

They text because it’s effortless, but they might shy away from investing in making an actual real relationship work. You might want to move from texts to something tangible, while he might not.

couple looking at each other in the library

Don’t hang on if things aren’t progressing

“This guy texts me every day. Does he like me?” is not easy to answer because each man has a different motive. But what’s obvious is that his intentions are unclear, and this should be a deal-breaker in and of itself.

Again, this sounds super demeaning. If a man is texting you daily without asking to meet or pushing the relationship in any direction, this might mean that he is keeping you hanging on just in case he decides you’re all he’s got.

You deserve someone singing from the same hymn sheet as you and whose intentions are as clear as crystal. Trying to work out what a man wants can be difficult and time-consuming.

If you meet a guy you like who texts you every day but isn’t moving the relationship forward, I would call it a day and move on.

How often should a guy text if he likes you

So, what does it mean when a guy texts you every day? It’s not an easy question to answer. There is no hard-and-fast rule on how often a guy will text you if he likes you.

Many factors are involved in how often someone texts, such as how busy they are with work or other commitments or how much they enjoy the text message format. Some guys text a lot out of habit, regardless of how close they feel to you. Other guys are impossible to get hold of unless you’re the one who is his priority.

Generally speaking, the best way to know if a guy likes you is if he texts you as much or more than you text him. A good relationship involves people putting equal effort into the conversation, whether a couple of texts a week or hundreds every day. Taking it in turns to text first is an excellent way to ensure you are interested in each other.

Now you know how to decipher whether a guy likes you or not and in what way; it is up to you how to respond. Whether you have a crush on him, please don’t like him at all, or like him only as a friend, the best thing to do is to be upfront and honest. A good man will respect whatever feelings you express and whatever decisions you make.

Claudia is the creator of Text Weapon, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She is passionate about modern communication and loves helping people improve their relationships through flirty texting. To read more by Claudia, visit Text Weapon. Don't forget to signup for the free Texting Club trial with over 300 messages. You can also hit her up on Twitter.

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