how to make a girl dream about you

Do you like a girl, but you are not sure if she feels the same? How can you get her attention? You want her to think of you day and night, but you don’t know how to achieve that. Let’s learn how to make a girl dream about you, so you are in her mind […]

romantic birthday gifts for girlfriend

Are you struggling to find that perfect birthday gift for your girlfriend? Look no further! This gift guide has something for every woman, from thoughtful gifts to cool and creative ones. We did the heavy lifting for you and carefully handpicked the best romantic birthday gifts for your girlfriend. So whether you want to get

friends with benefits rules

Even if you are single and not looking for a committed relationship, chances are you still crave sex and physical intimacy sometimes. One popular solution to this is a “friends with benefits” situation. Having a friend with benefits can be an ideal arrangement for many people, but it is not for everyone. If you are

how to keep a conversation going with a girl

Although talking to others is a part of everyday life, it can get tricky if you are nervous. This is even more true when chatting with a girl you are attracted to. Nerves can get in the way, and you may feel like you’ve entirely run out of things to say! If you wonder how

biggest turn offs for guys

Have you met a guy you really like? Are you nervous about making some terrible dating mistakes and coming across like a weirdo? Learning what things to avoid can help you feel confident enough to get the guy you want. If you wonder what the biggest turn-offs for guys are, here are twenty-four deal-breakers. The

young couple having fun together outdoors

Spending time together just relaxing in each other’s company is one of the best parts of a relationship. However, sometimes you can get tired of just hanging out doing nothing, and your girlfriend can get bored too. Do you want to do something fun with your girlfriend but can’t think of anything? Here is a

best tinder openers

Picture the scene: your phone has just buzzed with a notification. You check it to see that you have a new match on Tinder—and she’s hot! Plenty of thoughts will probably be going through your head at this point, like, “OMG, I have to talk to her!” “Damn, how can I impress a girl this

paragraphs to make your girlfriend cry

How can you show your girlfriend that you are madly in love with her? There are many ways to do this when the two of you are together, but you may have to rely on your words when you are apart. These examples may be useful if you struggle to find the right words to

cute things to call your girlfriend

For most girls, hearing words of love in romantic relationships is extremely important. Being given a cute nickname by the man in her life can make a girl feel loved and appreciated. However, finding the right name can be a challenge. Cute names to call her don’t always come into your mind by magic—you can

valentines day gifts for girlfriend

Valentine’s Day gift for the lady in your life can make the difference between a romantic evening together, and the door slammed in your face. If you feel the pressure of the clock ticking, don’t panic. These Valentine’s Day gifts for girlfriend are guaranteed to impress even the most discerning girl. Cute Valentine’s Day gifts

valentines day gifts for boyfriend

Are you tearing your hair out trying to decide what to get for your Valentine? Feeling sick of love-heart-shaped chocolate boxes and tacky V-Day merch? No more time-wasting browsing stores and trying to find something original for your guy! This list of Valentine’s Day gifts for your boyfriend is sure to provide you with some

how to make your girlfriend happy

No doubt you want to be the best boyfriend that you can be. However, sometimes it can be hard to think of what to actually do to put a smile on your girlfriend’s face and brighten her day. If you are wondering how to make your girlfriend happy, here are over forty ideas that will

how to make a girl like you

Almost every guy who has ever lived has at some point pondered the eternal question: “how do I get a girl to like me?” This dilemma has stumped men through the ages, from medieval knights yearning for the attention of a fair maiden to college students trying to catch the eye of the babe across

what are the bases in dating

Have you ever heard someone (usually guys) talk about trying to “get past first base” or bragging that they “got to the home base last night”? This might sound confusing—surely they aren’t talking about baseball? Unless they are sports players talking about a game, they are probably using dating slang. If you are trying to

flirty questions to ask a girl

There are probably all kinds of things you want to learn about the girl you have a crush on. Whether you’ve just met her on a blind date or been hanging out for a while, asking her the right flirty questions will help you make the first move and keep the conversation flowing. From light-hearted

christmas gifts for girlfriend

Christmas can be a magical time full of food, drink, and festivities. However, the Yuletide season can bring some stress: what on earth do you buy for everyone? Perhaps the most challenging person to buy for is your girlfriend. Women can be tricky to buy gifts for even if you have been together for years

christmas gifts for boyfriend

Christmas always seems to come around quicker each time every year! The festive season can be fun and even downright magical, but it can also bring a specific stress source: what on earth do you buy for everyone? I can’t advise you on what you should get for every friend and family member. However, I

questions to ask a guy

Knowing what to say on a date can be difficult. Not to mention, the fear of awkward silences can have you begging your brain for inspiration on what to say! The early stages of dating are also an opportunity to learn more about someone. Asking the right questions can help your date go smoothly—or if

good morning paragraphs for her

Have you ever woken up with an urge to wish the special girl in your life a good morning? Girls love receiving “good morning” texts, but it can be tricky to vary your text messages—you don’t want to send “morning x” every day! To avoid becoming too predictable, why not change things a little now

how was your day

The last thing you’d want after a long and tiring day is to find your partner unresponsive or uninterested in you. And yet, sometimes, we forget to ask, “How was your day?” Don’t wait until your loved one asks you about your day. Asking him first can show that you genuinely care about him. Texting

names to call your boyfriend

Calling your boyfriend by his real name can get a little stale over time, especially if you spend hours hanging out together. There are many reasons that we like to come up with cute nicknames and pet names for the people that we love. Using terms of endearment to refer to your boyfriend is not

personal questions to ask a girl

Starting a conversation with the girl you like can be intimidating, whether you have only just met her or you are already dating and want to get to know her better. Suppose you struggle to think of conversation starters and wonder what personal questions to ask a girl. Here are over two hundred questions to

undeniable signs that he likes you

Are you wondering if that guy at work, in class, or in your group of friends might have a crush on you? Maybe the two of you have hung out with each other a few times or spoken casually, and you’re attracted to him but not sure if the feeling is mutual. If you’ve been

romantic picnic date ideas

What could be better than sitting out in nature with your partner, feeling the sun on your skin, with a variety of tasty snacks and drinks? As well as usually being less expensive than a meal at a restaurant, a picnic can be more intimate and personal than other kinds of dates. Whether you have

cute things to do for your girlfriend

The early stages of dating can be confusing, but knowing how to keep impressing your girlfriend after you have made things “official” is just as important. It can be challenging to know how to show your girlfriend appreciation and keep her interested! Thankfully, there are plenty of options. If you are struggling to think of